How To Generate Your Next 100,000 Visitors Through My Traffic Accelerator Process [Step-By-Step]
Written by Benson Sung
on May 29, 2018
| 31 mins 26 secs
You can’t build a successful business online without high-quality traffic.
87% of businesses that FAIL online fail because of this reason.
They don’t get enough traffic (or people in their target audience to pay attention to their business long enough to consider becoming a customer)
The question is then, how do you generate high-quality traffic even if you don’t have high organic Google rankings and all the things that take years to develop?
Or even thousands of dollars to spend?
My name is Benson Sung, and today I’m gonna be teaching you how to instantly generate thousands to hundreds of thousands of high-quality traffic every single month to your website.
Even if you don’t have Google or SEO rankings, and you just launched your website yesterday and actually see a positive ROI from this.
At the end of this post, I’m going to give you the exact frameworks and a step-by-step walkthrough.
Instead of taking years to build up traffic (or even months) through this method you can achieve this in a few days without spending a TON of money and time.
Why It Shouldn’t Take You Months To Increase High-Quality Traffic
Now I’m gonna walk you through the process of how you even found out about this post you’re reading right now.
I’m 100% sure you saw this via Facebook (or LinkedIn, Google, Youtube & Native):
Then you watched the video and were curious enough to check it out and then clicked on the links at the top or at the bottom of the ad and found yourself here?
Well just like you and 1,000’s of entrepreneurs that came onto this post and the 1,000’s that are going to come tomorrow and every day for the rest of this year.
This is the short term and long term way to be able to grow your business online and increase your traffic without spending a ton of money or time.
By The End Of This Post, You’ll Know How To Get Thousands Of Your Target Audience To Your Website
Everything is going to be taught to you step-by-step.
Now I want to preface this post by saying that every piece of content that I create is based on experience which results in either millions of revenue for my clients and that you can’t find anywhere else, but even if you could it would cost you thousands of dollars.
And that’s exactly what the content that you’re reading today is, and everything that you see on the Digital Marketing University and on YouTube:
Everything you’re gonna learn is based on real-world experience, real-world results, that works in multiple different industries and businesses for growing online.
Proven digital marketing strategies.
Why Am I Sharing With You My Traffic Accelerator Process?
All the videos and content that you see on the Digital Marketing University, even the content that you’re reading now, it’s all gratis.
It’s my investment in you and your business.
Most businesses out there they won’t even share with you the seven-figure webinar blueprint or even how to build a million dollars business unless you pay them thousands of dollars.
I personally don’t sell courses because of two core reasons:
The first reason is that I’ve got people who email me or send Facebook messages asking me how do they grow their business online.
How do I overcome these digital challenges?….
How do I increase my traffic?…
How do I increase my leads?…
How do I generate more sales?…
And I’ve noticed there is a trend among all of these different questions, and instead of me spending all this time trying to reply with detailed answers and personalized responses.
I’ve even got biggest e-learning brand platforms, executive advisory firms, and LinkedIn reaching out to me to share these lessons (in fact while I was uploading this post I received this from Skillshare):
Now that you know this posts exists so that you can watch and learn exactly what you need to do with structure.
That’s the first reason.
The second reason quite frankly, is because it allows me to add value to you and it allows us to build a relationship.
I guess you could say the thing that I’m getting back is by making these videos and posts is that it builds my brand and it also allows me to impact entrepreneurs just like you.
It also allows me to add more value, and it’s scalable as well.
I don’t have to personalize response to every single one.
You guys get to see the exact videos and roadmaps of how to do it.
They’re long, but it gives you step by step on how to do it, and you can’t BUY this information or the knowledge, the wisdom, the experience, not information, that I’m sharing with you today.
Along with all the other videos that are on YouTube and on the Digital Marketing University.
Now, this post focuses on Facebook, but there are multiple different platforms you can use.
The Origin Story Of How All This Began…
Now if you don’t know my story, I wanna briefly share that with you so you have context and know who I am, especially if this is the first time you’re finding out about me and you haven’t seen Behind The Success 001 where I share my story:
In short, I originally came from Taiwan as a 1st generation immigrant to Vancouver, Canada (my hometown)
And my parents made a lot of sacrifices to bring me here.
We started from a poor to a middle-class background as we moved here, my parents separated, and my whole goal of starting and getting into business was to support my family and pay them back as much as I could.
Throughout that process I made a lot of mistakes, I started from negative, I got into tens of thousands of dollars of debt after my first 2 initial businesses had failed…
If you’ve ever had a business venture that failed after working full-time at jobs to fund it and even borrowing money on credit cards and spending years it can be a very devastating blow to who you are and your confidence the FIRST time…
But I had to start from the negative, had to deeply reflect on my own and with mentors to get to where I am today.
Then by the time I started my 3rd business which is SungDigital Strategy, I started doing five figures in my first year, then doing six figures, and then when I was 24 my business was generating seven figures in revenue and I’m still on the journey to building a 9 figure business (my next milestone).
Today I’m essentially a digital strategic partner for multiple different companies in multiple different industries from financial all the way to the fitness industry, and we’ve been able to help these companies generate revenue growth of $100 MM every year.
Now I don’t share this with you to brag but so that you know where I’m coming from and my story and at the same time it’s possible for you to be even more successful with everything that I am teaching you on my website.
It comes from experience, it comes from principles, and also mistakes that I have made that cost a ton of money and a ton of time, that you can save by just reading this post.
So without further ado, let’s go into traffic accelerator process.
The Universal Traffic Accelerator Process
This process you’re about to discover is the guiding principle that you can apply to multiple different mediums and platforms that your target audience are on.
You can use Facebook, you can go to the ad builder. You can do these different campaigns, these assets, and these ads.
If you’re on LinkedIn (and in B2B just like me) you can use this process.
You can use this process with Google and Youtube.
You can use multiple different platforms/mediums with this, but for now what I want you to focus on, and to keep it very simple for you with a small budget to amplify, or even a big budget if you want…
Let’s start by driving consistent traffic to your website using Facebook because their platform is one of the most sophisticated ones.
They’ve spent millions of dollars and a TON of resources to build out one of the best audience targeting platforms available with multiple different ways to drive traffic, leads and sales if you follow the process that I’ll be walking you through.
The Top 3 Most Visited Posts/Content Pages
What we want to do is we want to take your three highest performing pieces of content that are on your website that’s getting the most engagement, the best time on site, the lowest bounce rate.
(Even if you currently don’t have or know what are the top 3 most popular type of content or you want to discover what type of content to create then I want to share our entire content process here first)
For example, the exact post that you’re reading right now is one of my most popular posts on increasing traffic.
Along with this 8 Figure Webinar Blueprint where I have a full step by step walkthrough of how to increase your traffic, leads and sales in the shortest amount of time possible:
The second most popular post is teaching you the proven process for how to generate 1000’s of quality leads online, to start the communication process and then effectively indoctrinate them to become lifelong customers and clients:
We put these three posts through the traffic accelerator process and they drive 1000’s of ideal audience traffic while warming them up.
Once we find this out you have three different pieces, the three core ones that solve a problem for your target audience or provide them with a result they want to achieve.
Take this post you’re reading, for example, I’m solving the 3 biggest problems my target audience faces:
- Getting their potential customers to pay attention to their business (Traffic)
- Having their potential customer start the communication process and build the relationship while adding value (Leads)
- Converting them into a customer, retaining them, and increasing the average purchases (Sales/Revenue)
And you’ll know if you hit the mark when you’re getting a constant stream of traffic, and it’s increasing every month.
Next, continuing this process we want to understand…
Who Is In Your Target Audience?
This is the point where your ideal audience persona that we talked about in the previous videos is gonna be very crucial.
If you haven’t already then watch this brief overview on your ideal audience persona.
It’s gonna help you a lot in setting up the first foundation of being able to increase your website traffic which is your audiences.
We want to go into the Facebook Insights tool.
When you go to Facebook Insights tool on the left side you can see there are so many different categories and criteria that we can set for your target audience.
On the right side, it’s gonna show us based on the categories that we’ve set what the demographic looks like, what the targeting looks like, and give you very detailed information based on:
- Location
- Age & Gender
- Interests
- Connections
- Pages
- Language
- Relationship Status
- Education
- Work
- Market Segments
- Parents
- Political Affiliations
- Life Events
Can you see why it’s one of the most powerful and easiest tools that you can use to be able to build an audience using the Facebook Insights tool?
This Does Get Kinda Creepy… But Great For Us As Businesses?
Remember back to when you started your Facebook Profile, they prompted you to enter in a bunch of personal info about yourself?
That’s how they get this information and allows their targeting to be very powerful, there is also a lot of backend processes and tracking that happens on FB that’s specific to every user.
As soon as you log in to Facebook they start tracking your user behavior, messenger messages, anything and everything you do.
If that wasn’t creepy enough there is also the Facebook Pixel code that you can install onto any website and track user behavior OFF Facebook.
Now you might be thinking Facebook is kinda like a creepy guy that follows you around recording everything you do then you’re not too far off.
Especially with the recent Cambridge Analytical Situation, but nonetheless, it gives us businesses an amazing opportunity to grow our businesses using Facebook to reach your target audience like never before.
Now once we’ve built this audience we can move them into the FB ad builder platform directly by just hitting the green button in the top right.
Once we’ve built the audience we want to focus on creating the ad.
What Is Our Campaign Objective?
Here are the 6 main objectives we will be using for this campaign via Facebook:
In sequence they will be:
- Brand Awareness – Reach people more likely to pay attention to your ads and increase awareness for your brand.
- Reach – Show your ad to the maximum number of people.
- Traffic – Send more people to a destination on or off Facebook such as a website, app or Messenger conversation.
- Engagement – Get more people to see and engage with your post or Page. Engagement can include comments, shares, likes, event responses and offer claims.
- Video Views – Promote videos that show behind-the-scenes footage, product launches or customer stories to raise awareness about your brand.
- Conversions – Get people to take valuable actions on your website, app or in Messenger, such as adding payment info or making a purchase. Use the Facebook pixel or app events to track and measure conversions.
When we are about to launch this traffic accelerator campaign there’s a very important factor you should keep in mind:
“Facebook will optimize our creative around the behavior of the audience that you are specifying based on the campaign objective that you choose.”
This is what our Facebook Account Reps have told us (and they’ve been a great resource for us) because they work internally at Facebook and know the system while working with 1,000’s of accounts.
The power in this traffic accelerator process is that we are going to be stacking all three core objectives together on one single post instead of testing one campaign objective for multiple different posts.
If you already have a Facebook page (if you don’t then you should) then make the post on the page, I already have around 100,000 followers on my page so all I have to do is make the post on the page so that I can leverage my organic and natural post engagement.
Then what we do is we can leverage the Facebook Ad platforms multiple objectives all onto one single post to really leverage everything and build a ton of traffic.
The more social proof, engagement, comments, and relevance this ad creative has to your target audience then the more Facebook is going to show it to the audience that you want to reach.
Can You See How Powerful This Is?
Why spend a ton of money and waste it on multiple different posts that lack social proof when you can just concentrate it all into one
[which is what most marketers try to teach and sell you courses on and YES there are marketers that charge people $500 to $1,000 just to learn what you just learned on its own and not even what I’m going to be sharing with you next…]
I call this the creative amplifier, where we centralize all our power onto one post and make it a super post and then continue to leverage it for more and more traffic.
Facebook loves it because it’s a popular post and keeps people engaged and we get the benefit of lower CPC’s and higher CTR’s while getting quality traffic visiting our website.
People automatically assume that if a post has a TON of social proof, great copywriting that’s native to the platform it must be good and they are curious enough now that they must check it out.
We’ve also currently had cases where a different campaign objective gave us better results than other objectives when we compared the most important success factors without overwhelming you which we are going to get into in the next part.
The Power of Personalizing This For Your Target Audience
You can personalize this for your target audience, you can put it on the ad.
And then what you can do is you can also do a video, or a creative here, a very simple image that shows more about your business and speaks directly to your target audience.
Here’s the exact creative we are running right now on Facebook for my 8 figure webinar blueprint, in this ad I lead with a personal story and build up the pain point through the ad:
You can see that the video is nothing fancy, it’s literally me holding my iPhone and recording a short video.
Let’s break down why this is an effective ad and how you can swipe this as a template and use it for your own business.
The Proven Traffic Accelerator Digital Ad Template
In the first creative we want to leverage a story [even if you aren’t a personal brand] tell the story about the business and connect it with your audience.
The questions that your ad should answer is:
- Who are you?
- What challenges/objections/pain are your target audience suffering from?
- What value are you providing?
- What’s the results/success they can expect if they take action?
- What credibility and values do you have?
- How do they get access to the resource you’re mentioning?
The most important measuring stick is that you always want to keep in mind that on Facebook it’s a social platform that’s for friends and family so you want to make it so that they can’t even tell that your post is an ad.
You want them to read like it’s a friend making a nice post sharing with them a win or an update on their life.
Now that you know the above give my post a read again and notice that I keep it very personal and also the video isn’t professionally crafted like my Youtube videos.
That’s why on Facebook you want your post to be as personal as possible and your best friends are that target audience that you’re writing too.
You want your ad and personalize the copywriting and creative that’s native to the platform.
The 6 Core Dials Of Success
The goal here at this point is to see these 3 core factors:
- Drives the most traffic to my website
- Has a high click-through-rate [CTR] (that’s a fancy way of saying out of 100 people that see my ad how many people click on the link? So if 100 people see it and 10 people click then I’ve got a 10% click-through rate)
- Provides me the lowest cost per a click [CPC] (that just means how much is this platform charging me every time someone clicks on my ad to read my post)
(Now there’s an advanced way where you can test all the elements on an advertising creative that’s native to the platform.
It’s not a requirement because you can get great results even if you don’t but the only way this makes an incremental difference is when you’re getting 3% more CTR on an ad it doesn’t seem like a lot when you’re only showing it to 100 people but if you’re showing to 1,000 or 10,000 people then it adds up)
Now when your target audience traffic lands on your website, we want to use Google Analytics to be able to see the next three core factors:
- Average Time on Site (We want to see how long does an audience that responds to your ad to consume your content actually consumes on your page)
- Bounce Rate (This is how often the visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.)
- Pages Visited (This is how many pages on average does a visitor to your website continue the experience on your website beyond the initial page they landed on)
[Important Note: Google is not the only one that cares about those 3 visitors, Facebook also prioritizes this above all else especially when you have the FB pixel installed on your website based on our recent convos with Facebook]
For example, this is the weekly stats that I have for one of the short content posts on and what you should also see in your Google Analytics Dashboard:
Now out of those 3 numbers, the one number we should always be working to improve is the bounce rate.
If you look into your Google Analytics, you will see a percentage.
In this case, my average bounce rate is 41%, this means that 41% of the people who come to this specific website page leave after only viewing the post they entered on.
And 69% visit and browse through other parts of my website.
If let’s say that my bounce rate was 80%+ that’s a problem because what that boils down to is the fact that that website isn’t retaining its visitors.
People are coming to my site and either finding what they want but not anything else or not finding what they want at all.
The key is to make sure that once visitors land on a page, they are drawn to visiting even more pages throughout your site.
The formula for success as part of the traffic accelerator process is:
Creative + Audience + Content = Success
If you aren’t getting success when you implement this process then that means you need to change one of these three core levers:
- Creative: Is your ad creative compelling and does it build curiosity? (Every element of your ad)
- Audience: Is the audience that you’re targeting relevant and resonating with your ad creative and the message?
- Content: One they click through to your content does it retain them and give them what they came for and more?
When the creative, audience and content are dialed in then you’ll have a proven successful process for generating high-quality traffic on ANY platform.
That’s what’s so powerful about this, you can keep it very simple and very straightforward.
Real World Application: Jay Abraham
Now, let’s take a look at an actual example of a business partner, and a client of mine, Jay Abraham, which we can use this traffic accelerator process to not only generate traffic but also leads as well:
One of the posts here that we’re amplifying in terms of content to drive them to the website to engage with them more is we lead with this line.
Do we talk about how to make a million dollars with no capital, no product or service, and no knowledge?
We say, is this too good to be true?
Because that’s what we know people are thinking when they read that.
Then we say, watch as Jay walks you through how his clients have done this and how you can too.
That’s the first line.
The second one goes into “then discover 1000’s of highly valuable “business-building resources Jay’s accumulated “over his 40+ year career helping businesses “and entrepreneurs around the world “generate over $21.7 Billion, all GRATIS!”
And there’s a link to the website, and then it goes at the bottom a call to action.
Comment below with your ideas/questions after watching, tag a friend or colleague and share this with anyone you want to add value to right now.
Then we have a video of Jay just talking to the screen.
Then we have a headline call to action below, it says learn more.
And this has the headline of the actual video.
You can see, this is the one that drives into one of the resources and content portals is on the website.
All free resources, blog posts, podcasts, videos, everything that Jay’s giving away for free. You can do the exact same process.
Just model after what the copy is, and then you can swap it out.
Use That As A Template As It Generates 1000’s Of Visitors and 100’s Of Leads Every Single Month.
What’s important for you to know is that the first audience that we built in the Facebook Insights tool, and the one that we’re reaching out, is called the cold audience.
The reason why it’s called the cold audience is this is essentially people that don’t know anything about your business.
They don’t know anything about the content. They don’t have the trust, they don’t have the credibility, the relationship that they know about your business and who you represent, or the products or services that you sell.
So they’re essentially brand new, that’s why we call it the cold audience.
They’re very cold, they don’t know much about you, you don’t know much about them.
So that’s the goal of this cold audience is once we get them to a site we want to start warming them up.
We want to be able to reduce the friction and be able to add value to them, build trust, and all these different things afterward.
Once they’re a cold audience, move them into the warm part of the audience.
So, make a note that the audience that you’re building right now is the cold audience.
This is gonna be important because we’re gonna be having multiple different audiences that we’re gonna build, and they’re gonna get warmer, and warmer, and warmer.
Here’s an example of some of my audiences that have engaged with more than 25% of a video:
You can build audiences that have nearly done everything on Facebook.
But for the accelerator process, I want us to focus on video-specific creatives.
And we’re gonna use them for different purposes to generate even more traffic for your website.
We want to focus on setting up and using the campaigns.
The Power Is In The Simplicity & Ease Of Execution
So, let’s say you have three, A, B, C, posts that are performing really well.
A is performing great, B is performing great, C is not that great.
You remove C, and you test the different pieces of content on them, you amplify it.
If it’s working great then you add another one.
You add D, you add E, you add F, you add all the different parts.
Then you can scale this into multiple campaigns that are driving traffic to your website with a small budget every single day based on the highest performing ads, and highest performing content that’s getting the most engagement and time on site once they land on the website.
Now, one core thing you want to know is that as you’re driving traffic to these pages.
You want to make sure you have the Facebook Pixel installed on the content pages.
And especially where we’re spending the paid advertising to drive the traffic there.
The 2 Reasons Why This Is Important To Your Business
The first reason is we’re gonna be able to see our metrics.
We’re gonna be able to know exactly what our click-through-rate, our cost-per-click is, and all the different ways as they travel through our website using the Facebook Pixel.
The second thing we can do, which is the most important part is that we’re actually able to build a core audience based on the people that land on our site.
So, for example, we’re able to build people that actually went on the site, and they engaged with the content, we can build that audience because once we have that audience we can do multiple different things that we can amplify it.
We can show them different ads, we can show them more content.
And keep warming them up in the process.
Once we have this we rinse and repeat.
We found out the highest performing ones.
We keep amplifying it, setting up a new campaign, finding the 10 perfect ones.
And we’re building the audiences based on the ideal ones.
How We Leverage This Entire Process At Scale
The next core step, why we want to do this once we have the three core pieces of content that we’re amplifying through digital advertising on Facebook, and we’re building up this warm audience.
There are two specific warm audiences that we’re doing right now that’s extremely important for you to know about.
The first thing is the website custom audiences:
The website custom audiences are essentially you imagine people that click on your ad, and they went through the piece of content on the page.
As soon as they land on the page they become part of the website custom audiences.
The next core piece of an audience is called the video engagement audience.
Let’s say you’re showing a video through the ad. What you can actually do is you can actually build an audience based on how they’re engaging on the Facebook platform.
So, for example, someone watches your videos.
You can actually build an audience of people that watch less than 25% of the video, or more than 25% of the video.
The reason why I want to do this when we break it apart is that based on their engagement, and based on the pages they visited, we can actually show them even more content to warm them up.
Personalizing The Experience For Maximum Conversion
Let’s say, for example, you are in the fitness space.
If you visited a page where you’re focusing on losing weight, and you’re engaged with that piece of content, even the video ad that you saw on Facebook, you watched more than 25% of that video.
Then what you can actually do is I’m gonna show you even more content on how you can lose weight using different tools, using supplements, using different exercises.
You’re gonna keep adding more value, keep adding things because that’s what you know from the cold audience that we just ran that they’re engaging with.
So we want to show them more of what they want. And then if we wanted people that didn’t engage with it, we want to change the topic overall.
So for people that, let’s say, watch the ad on let’s say losing weight, they watched less than 25%, or they didn’t even click on the ad, then what we want to do is we want to show them let’s say on an article or a piece of content on how to build more muscle.
So you want to change the result or change the problem that they want to solve, and hit them from a different angle.
That’s the most important thing that I just said.
Why We Want To “HIT” Them From A Different Angle Based On Their Engagement?
You want to hit them from a different angle for people that aren’t engaged and aren’t interested in the main piece of content that you show them.
And if they are interested in it, then show them more of that specific thing.
That’s what we do on the Digital Marketing University on
If you go on the page, Digital Marketing University or you land on the homepage, then you go on the traffic side, and then you’re on the page and you’re watching the videos.
Then I’m gonna show you even more on how you can build traffic using the different roadmaps.
If you like and engage with how to increase traffic, or you like and engage with how to generate leads.
I’m gonna show you more of that content you’re interested in.
So whatever it is I’m increasing what’s working, and decreasing what’s not, and changing the angle to find what type of content resonates with the audience based on the problems they want to solve.
That’s the process that you want to go through in order to be able to build solid warm audiences through website custom audiences and video engagement.
Why Do We want To Take This Even Deeper?
Now, what’s great about Facebook is you’re able to not just build audiences on 25% more or less of the engaged audience.
You’re also actually able to build it based on if they watch your video for 3 seconds, 10 seconds, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, different levels of engagement you can build an audience for that.
At the same time, you can build an engagement with people that like your page, people that engage with your content, people that are extremely engaged, or people that aren’t engaged.
Or even people, or friends of people, that like your specific page.
Facebook is so robust, they can give you different ways to target.
But the most important one you want to focus on is, especially if you’re using a video, is the engagement audience through the different percentages that I just mentioned.
But don’t get too distracted, just focus on the one, 25% more or 25% less.
Once you have those you show more of the things that people engage with, the same content, adding more value that they’re interested in.
And the ones that aren’t interested, you change the topic completely, and you see if that works really well.
Focusing On One Traffic Accelerator Campaign Is The Key To Success
Just start by doing that one tier, that one campaign.
Don’t go into crazy depths because you can go really insane with this, but focus on just the first tier.
The cold audience, they go on the website, they engage with the content.
We want to take the top three from a website, we want to put that into these campaigns, and we want to put $30 a day per a campaign where we just amplify it to the cold audience to engage with them.
Then we want to watch the click-through-rate and the cost-per-click that people are costing you.
Which is when someone clicks on the ad, how much it’s charging you.
You want to also look at the relevancy score on Facebook.
It’s one of the core metrics that we want to see which basically show you how relevant your ad is to the audience.
Also, the impressions, we want to make sure that before we decide if this is a bad ad or a bad piece of content for the cold audience that we have at least 10,000 impressions on the ad itself.
We want to get enough people, and enough eyeballs on the ad to decide if it’s a success or a failure, if we should amplify it, or if we should cut it away.
In the same time, we also want to look at the ad itself.
We want to be testing two different ads at the bare minimum with different headlines, with different creatives.
Driving them to the same piece of content that’s on your website.
Show them more, they didn’t engage with the content, show them something different.
That’s it, just those two steps right there, focus on that.
Too Simple? Let’s Take It To The Next Level
Now, an advanced tip for people that are saying, hey, this is pretty simple, and you want to take it to the next level, what you can do, and this is what I do for my businesses and clients.
We take the first two steps that I just taught you, doing the cold audiences, building an engaged and website audiences.
Now, we don’t just focus on Facebook.
We focus amplifying Google, YouTube, (and on LinkedIn if you’re in B2B)
We leverage third-party advertising networks for display using Outbrain, using Taboola, using all these different things, all these ad networks, and we amplify even more.
And we do remarketing across the board.
I Call This “The Traffic Accelerator Ecosystems”.
You have multiple different ecosystems that connect together based on different ad platforms and create a multi-step platform traffic campaign.
Now, to some of you I know it’s gonna be overwhelming to hear about this, but don’t worry about this advanced tip if you are not at this stage yet.
This is only for businesses that already focus on having really solid digital advertising on Facebook, or on YouTube, or on Google, and want to have cross-channel advertising, and that want to amplify it even more with remarketing.
I just wanted to share with you the bigger picture of what’s possible and at the same time know that this strategy and principle apply across all the different platforms and that you CAN take things to the next level.
We can go deeper and get even higher results, but for now, just keep it simple.
But if you are at that stage and that’s what you want to do is you want to amplify it from the cold audience, and even your warm audience, and you want to remarket across the board using different messages that they’re interested in or not interested in.
Then, later on, you can also do campaigns for awareness, for indoctrination, for conversion, and extension as well.
These are four core stages based on each ecosystem.
So that’s one of the things you can get into if you want more exponential results for your business online.
Now that you know how to use digital advertising to instantly generate traffic regardless if you’re high ranking on Google, or using SEO for years.
You can do this in a matter of days to be able to generate traffic based on your highest performing content and amplifying it with Facebook as a simple one direction advertising.